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Query Parameters

Swagger API v3.0

Scholexplorer models relationships as links between pairs of research products, defined as source and target. Links are further characterized by the type of the two products (publication, dataset, software, or other), the date of publishing (typically the date of the source product), the publisher of the two products (a string), and the PID of the products (or the OpenAIRE ID, useful when the product does not come with a PID).

More specifically, here is the list of API parameters:

Required parameters (at least one):

  • sourcePid Represents the unique identifier (PID) of the source entity in the relationship. This parameter is used to specify which entity is initiating or originating the relationship.
  • targetPid Represents the unique identifier (PID) of the target entity in the relationship. This parameter is used to specify the entity that is receiving or being affected by the relationship.
  • sourcePublisher Identifies the publisher of the source entity.
  • targetPublisher Identifies the publisher of the target entity.
  • sourceType The typology of the source entity like: Publication, Dataset, Software Other
  • targetType The typology of the target entity like: Publication, Dataset, Software Other

Optional parameters:

  • relation Defines the type of relationship between the source and target entities.
  • from: Filter all relationships where the date is greater than or equal to the specified date
  • to: Filter all relationships where the date is lower than or equal to the specified date