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Version: 10.0.1

Searching entities

This is a guide on how to search for specific entities using the OpenAIRE Graph API.


Currently, the Graph API supports the following entity types:

Each of these endpoints can be used to list all entities of the corresponding type. Listing such entities can be more useful when using the filtering, sorting, and paging capabilities of the Graph API.


The response of the aforementioned endpoints is an object of the following type:

header: {
numFound: 36818386,
maxScore: 1,
queryTime: 21,
page: 1,
pageSize: 10
results: [

It contains a header object with the following fields:

  • numFound: the total number of entities found
  • maxScore: the maximum relevance score of the search results
  • queryTime: the time in milliseconds that the search took
  • page: the current page of the search results (when using basic pagination)
  • pageSize: the number of entities per page
  • nextCursor: the next page cursor (when using cursor-based pagination, see: paging

Finally, the results field contains an array of entities of the corresponding type (i.e., Research product, Organization, Data Source, or Project).